Me, Myself And Voss

Collot POV:





I’m such a moron… Wait… Voss, shit is he ok?! I crashed straight into a tree, I wasn’t wearing a seatbelt so I flew out the front window onto the grass. My head and legs are aching, I’m surprised I’m not dead. But Voss, he’s way too small! What if… N-No he isn’t dead, he probably flew out somewhere… I hope.

I tried getting off the cold floor, but my body was holding me back.

“Mmmmm- ah FUCK! Dammit! HELP!”

No one is coming to save us, I’m still not even sure where we even are yet. I started to crawl to the broken down car to see if Voss is in there and ok. When I made it to his side of the door I tried getting back on my feet by using the handle, which ended up working.


I never should have looked through that window… It’s like something straight out of a horror movie, blood was everywhere in that car. Voss, a huge tree branch went right through him and his seat… Airbags didn’t do it’s job either…

“Voss? Voss! C-Come on man stop playing! You can wake up now! Heh funny joke bro…”

No response.


If I would have never went to that damn party if I would have never drank before driving he wouldn’t be in this shape. I-Im sure he’ll be ok, but my phone is nowhere to be found so a call for help is not going to happen anytime soon. I still feel fucking drunk, how much did I have?

I heard footsteps behind me, and I quickly turned around. And it was… Me?

“Yikes, you dont look so good bro.”

Am I… Going insane?

“Yes, you are going insane.”

It was fucking me, like in front of me no mirror no bullshit it was actually me. His voice was loud, and echoing. What did he want? I’m speechless right now.

He walked over to me, looking through the window. “You know… Nobody has to find out about this you know that right?”

No… He doesn’t mean…

“What do you mean?” I asked, still coughing a bit.

“There is a nearby grave yard, you know this because that was where your brother was buried correct?”

I nodded, he isn’t wrong.

“Go bury Voss in one of the grave sites, he wouldn’t mind.”

N-No that’s completely wrong…

“No! What the fuck? Get out of my head!” I yelled, hoping that he would just disappear.

“If you say so, but if you don’t wanna get jail time I’d suggest my idea. Goodbye.”

He then vanished, I’m never drinking again… Jail time… That would be a life sentence, probably… B-But covering up a incident? And where would my car go? Wait, I recognize this place… There is a river near by, and no fishes live in it…

I checked his pulse to see if he is still alive, no… Voss is dead… If I wanna survive, then I have to cover it up… I’m sorry Voss.



3RD POV: a couple hours passed by and you heard the door to your dorm room open, you couldn’t get up because of legoshi’s huge body but you opened your curtains to see who it was.

Hey collot, where’s Voss? ” you asked.

He was shivering, he was dirty and wet.

“He’s um… With someone…” He responded while shuffling through his clothes that were on the floor. “I’m gonna take a shower…”


You shut your curtains, everything was ok now.

4 hours later…

“Wakey wakey! Wake up you two!” Miguno said while hitting you.

“Ok ok I’m up… Legoshi, are you?”


Legoshi groaned, he rolled off of you giving you room to leave the bunk.

“Say collot do you know what room Voss is in?” You asked.


“Mkay, by the way actually respond to our texts got it?”

I lost my phone shit…‘ Collot thought.

“Um… I actually lost my phone, sorry.”

You shrugged it off, everyone losses their phone.

Jack grabbed his backpack. “Everyone ready? I’m sure Voss with be at the cafeteria let’s not keep him waiting!”

“Jack… I just woke up.” Legoshi said.

“Bleh, all I hear is excuses.” Jack replied, waving his tail in the air. “Bye!”

Legoshi scoffed, he kissed you on the cheek when you weren’t looking. “Wanna go first? You can use the bathroom first if you want.”

“No thanks you can legoshi.”

He smiled then made his way to the bathroom.

“Why do you look so banged up collot? Did shit go down last night?” Durham said.

“Yeah, it wasn’t pretty…”

Durham started changing shirts. “Yeah I bet, you must of been drunk as well right? Heh.”

“…. Yes.”

Miguno hopped out of bed. “Y/N! Lemme use your perfume that shit smells amazing.”

“What? You wanna smell like a damn husky is what your saying? Didn’t know you had a thing for Huskies miguno.” You teased.

He rolled his eyes and walked up to you. “Just lemme use it.”

“Fine, it’s in my drawer.”



Jack sat his juice down on the table “Where could he be?”

“I don’t know? But it’s kinda scaring me…” Legoshi said, looking distraught.

“Same here, maybe after school he’ll be back?” Durham added.

“Maybe?” Miguno said.

Collot didn’t say anything, he couldn’t. He was still in shock.

9 hours later…

Everyone was back in their dorm.

“Where the HELL IS HE!” You yelled while circling around the room.

“This is getting bad, we have to tell someone!” Jack pouted.


All heads turned to collot, he was in his bunk.

“N-No, he’ll be back…”

You walked up to collot. “You said he was in someone else’s dorm right?”


“Did you follow him to that dorm?”

“…. N-No.”

Something isn’t adding up here, and you can sense it.

“Ok let’s not interigate collot Y/N, we should work together on finding him.” Durham suggested.

“I’m not Interigating, just asking questions.”

“That’s by definition Interigating Y/N.”

“Is it now?”


You nodded and backed away from collot.

Jack went to the door. “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go find him.”

Collot got up from his bed. “Wait! There is something I wanna say…”

“Yeah, what is it collot?”


Word count: 1056